As we reach the middle of 2024, it’s time to start planning for your 2025 marketing strategy. Use this moment to review your goals and resources, and create a plan to make 2025 your best year yet.

Not sure where to begin with your marketing strategy? These nine tips will guide you in building a plan that boosts your brand, earns trust, and encourages repeat business. They provide a solid base to help you create, execute, and keep up with a successful marketing plan.

Revisit Your Business Plan

Businesses are always changing, so it’s important to see your business plan as a flexible document. Even the best strategies will need to adapt to market shifts. Regularly check that your plan matches your goals, and be ready to update it by adding new goals and removing those that are no longer relevant.

If you’re looking for help with your business plan, there are many resources available. Here are some of our favorites:

      • Enloop: A tool for creating business plans online with templates.
      • GoSmallBiz: Offers resources for small businesses, including advice, marketing help, and HR support.
      • LivePlan: Business software that helps you pitch, plan, and track your business.
      • Plan Guru: Affordable software for budgeting and financial reporting.
      • EquityNet: Share your business vision with potential investors.

Set Business Resolutions

Create a blend of short-term and long-term goals for your company. Start by imagining where you want your business to be in 12 months, then work backward to figure out the steps needed to get there. Ensure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

For instance, rather than saying, “I want to increase sales this year,” specify, “I want to boost sales by 15% by implementing strategies X, Y, and Z over the next year.”

Develop a Promotional Calendar

When planning your promotional calendar, consider when your business is at its peak and when it slows down. Identify holidays and events that you can use for special promotions. Allow plenty of time to plan media outreach, create digital content, design ads, and more.

Hot tip! 90% of marketers say social media boosts brand exposure. It’s affordable and allows you to target specific audiences. Use paid social media ads to promote your next sale or campaign for better results.

Consider Your Hiring Needs

Assess if your current workforce can handle your goals. Evaluate the workload needed to achieve your objectives. If your budget is limited, consider hiring contract workers, freelancers, or part-time employees instead of full-time staff.

Create a Conference Plan

Trade shows and conferences offer valuable insights and opportunities to connect with industry peers and experts. They’re also great for meeting potential clients. Research upcoming events for 2025 to make the most of these opportunities.

Reassess Your Brand and Branding Materials

Start by Googling your brand to see what comes up. Check if you need new headshots, a website update, or a refresh of your LinkedIn page and social media header images. When making updates, keep your materials consistent in branding and tone.


Get Organized

Staying organized is key to business success. Review this year’s paperwork, clear out clutter from your desk and computer, and reorganize. These small steps will help you stay refreshed and ready to tackle the new year.

Refresh Your Employees’ Skills

Provide supplemental training to help your employees refresh their skills or learn new ones. Encourage them to share what they’d like to learn. With many online courses and webinars available, fitting training into busy schedules is easier than ever.

Investing in employee education benefits your business by:

      • Improving performance
      • Boosting morale and satisfaction
      • Fostering innovation
      • Reducing turnover

Hot tip! Offer these 50 free professional resources to your employees to enhance their skills.

Refresh Your Skills

There’s always room for personal and professional growth. Identify the skills you want to develop in the coming year and seek out opportunities to improve. Consider taking an online course, reading a relevant book, or signing up for hands-on training.

Explore these websites for affordable courses:

      • Lynda
      • Khan Academy
      • Udemy
      • HubSpot

Planning your marketing strategy for the new year might seem challenging, but once completed, you’ll have a clear roadmap to success. Following these tips will help you and your team prepare to achieve your goals in 2025.

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